In this paper, we unveil a recharged business model for OEMs, shedding light on how smart charging can spark growth and electrify customer experiences, all while tapping into the current of wisdom from Europe's top EV voices.
Governments are charging ahead, customers crave electric rides, and power grids flex for balance.
Renewables are like surprise guests at the electric grid's party: thrilling yet unpredictable, but with a little storage and flexibility, the party won't miss a beat!
With global EV penetration surging to 40% by 2030 and 26 million units hitting the roads by 2026 (Bloomberg), it's time to buckle up and ask: are our grids ready to fuel this electric revolution, or will they stall at the starting line?
The low-hanging fruit in power flexibility lies in local optimisation for end-users, which is already happening today. Are you able to grasp the benefits?
Wulf Schlachter CEO & Founder at DXBe Management
Vinicio Lupo Innovation Manager at Free2Move eSolutions
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In this paper, we unveil a recharged business model for OEMs, shedding light on how smart charging can spark growth and electrify customer experiences, all while tapping into the current of wisdom from Europe's top EV voices.