Dr. Bürer is an expert in smart and clean energy systems working and living in Switzerland. She serves as "Expert" for Innosuisse to review proposals for funding. She also does expert review of proposals to the Solar Impulse Foundation since mid-2023. She worked for 25 years on climate and energy and beyond her technical knowledge, she is an experienced professional in the field of international climate policy. Previous to her work experience at the UN and in several academic institutions such as EPFL, she studied the integrated design and manufacturing of fuel cells during her Masters of Engineering at UCLA in 1997 where she worked together with NASA's JPL. More recently, in her last position as Project Manager at HEIG-VD (Yverdon-les-Bains) in Western Switzerland (HES-SO) she worked on microgrid business models, V2G business models, blockchain use cases for energy, IoT solutions for citizen participation in energy planning, living lab solutions, and new models for investments in green energy for the gas sector (green synthetic fuel production, power-to-x, and other renewable fuel solutions for decarbonization of Switzerland). She is experienced in using both design and systems thinking to help companies develop and co-create solutions that provide synergistic value to all stakeholders in one industrial site or one area with multiple office spaces (eg. the case of an innovation park).